BFF Elections and Congress'2020
BFF elections and congress, also known as BFF Elective Congress’2020, was scheduled to be held on April 20. But the governing body of world football FIFA permitted BFF to postpone its elections and congress until the ‘Sanitary situation regarding COVID-19 becomes normal’. Responding to a letter from BFF on March 28, FIFA sent a letter on March 31 allowing the current executive committee of BFF to run and operate the federation.
The decision still stands. BFF hasn't changed its mind and the decision remains the same. FIFA repeated the same directives to BFF in their latest letter on June 15. They suggest BFF to stay in their previous decision on elections and Annual General Meeting (AGM) until the pandemic situation becomes normal.
BFF senior vice-president Abdus Salam Murshedy MP said, “BFF hasn't changed mind and their previous decision on the postponement of elections and Annual General Meeting (AGM), taken by the BFF executive committee, remains the same. No election until the situation becomes normal. We will take further decisions informing the government and FIFA after the end of corona virus.”
To see the Video message please visit from Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) Facebook page.