Jamalpur Kacharipara Akados defeated Suddopuskorini Jubo SC by 4-3 goals
Result of today's match of "Women's Football League 2020-21":
Today's match of "Women's Football League 2020-21" has been played at Bangabandhu National Stadium between Jamalpur Kacharipara Akados and Suddopuskorini Jubo SC 5.15 pm today. In the match, Jamalpur Kacharipara Akados defeated Suddopuskorini Jubo SC by 4-3 goals. Sraboni, Ratna, Iti and Malini scored four goals for Jamalpur Kacharipara Akados in the 19th, 44th, 60th and 73rd minutes respectively. On the other hand, Rita, Tanima and Shila scored three goals in 70th, 78th and 90 + 2nd minutes for Suddopuskorini Jubo SC.