"The Federation launches new AFC Introduction to Goalkeeping Courses for aspiring coaches in Bangladesh"
Today (12-04-2023) The Federation commenced the first of two (2) BFF AFC Introduction to Goalkeeping Courses.The Courses are a new introduction under AFC’s Coaching Convention with a new range of Diploma levels specifically aimed at developing Goalkeeping Coaches.
The introduction to Goalkeeping Courses are over two days with a wide
representation of potential Goalkeeping Coaches from all parts of Bangladesh. All the participants will work closely with the course instructors. The instructors for this course are BFF Technical Director Mr. Paul Smalley, Coach Instructor Mr. Sayeed Hassan Kanan, Mr. Masud Ahmed Ujjal, Mr. Sha Alam Tutul and Mst. Muslika Akter Moli.
Moreover, Bangladesh Men's National Football Team and Abahoni Club Ltd's goalkeeper Mr. Shohel Rahman were also at the opening to welcome participants into the Course.